Blondes Have More…What, Exactly?

Let’s talk about John Frieda. Bless that man, really, because I am quite loyal to the brand. I use Precision Foam Color in 10N Sheer Blonde Extra Light Natural Blonde to color my hair at home, and I follow up with Sheer Blonde Go Blonder shampoo and conditioner. But the last time I bought my shampoo and conditioner, I flipped the lid and noticed a message just for me:



It’s true that I don’t need a dance floor, mostly because I’m a pretty atrocious dancer and I only have late-night dance parties by myself where no one can point and laugh. And I certainly make friends everywhere I go. After a lot of awkwardness and silence, where I think a bunch of things but never say them, because I’m an introvert.

Of course, the marketing strategy here is not terribly complex. They’re reinforcing the stereotype of the fun, carefree, blonde. They’re encouraging people to post on Instagram using the hashtag #MyBlondeLife. A quick perusal of the hashtag shows a variety of blondes and beach, pool, liquor and (oh, hey!) even a shot of someone’s underwear-clad crotch. Yay!

My next blonde-affirming messages, picked up today:



I am so over the blonde stereotype. Why are the messages like that? Why can’t it be about how intelligent, driven or thoughtful blondes are? I have two major reasons for being blonde, and neither of them have anything to do with being fun and carefree. One is that it suits my skin tone. The other has to do with cultural identity, since I’m Scandinavian, and my family is populated with blondes.

In my eyes, the stereotype is offensive. I have heard enough dumb blonde jokes to last a lifetime (often told by people who are–sorry to say it–much dumber than me). The worst of the blonde stereotype and the worst of the woman stereotype seem to line up: sex maniac, frigid bitch, vapid airhead, party girl.

Interestingly enough, there is no corresponding marketing for the John Frieda brunette and redhead products. I checked, because I wondered if this was a dumb idea done once, or three times.

So let’s make the #MyBlondeLife hashtag a little more real, shall we?
#MyBlonde has a PhD
#MyBlonde has agency
#MyBlonde goes out every once in a while and drinks responsibly
#MyBlonde can make a logical argument and stand her ground
#MyBlonde works hard at her job
#MyBlonde is a 4.0 student
#MyBlonde is a caring wife and mother
#MyBlonde volunteers her time in her community
#MyBlonde is Khaleesi, mother of dragons, and she will kick your ass

Am I overreacting here, or is this stupid bordering on offensive? Let me know in the comments, or just leave me a #MyBlonde hashtag!